Who Makes the Best Payroll Program in 2023?

The best payroll program for your business will fit a range of requirements. It will fit nicely into your budget, provide all the tools you need, and integrate seamlessly into existing accounting structures. The perfect payroll program will also support the number of payers and payees you currently have – and it will be able […]

Online Tax Filing 1099 Forms is Easier Than Ever

Online tax filing 1099 support is important for all businesses, regardless of size and industry. In general, businesses who have 250 or more 1099 forms must file electronically with the IRS. However, most small businesses prefer to file online. The process is quick, simple, and expedites the end-of-year tax process. However, online tax filing 1099 […]

Streamline Accounting with W-2 Software for Small Businesses

Finding W-2 software for small business needs is an important step toward simplified accounting. These software tools are designed to save users time and money during tax season – one of the most stressful parts of the year for a business owner. For those with little time and budget to spend on business tax preparation, […]

The Best 1099 Software for Accounting Firms

Choosing 1099 software for accounting firms is an important decision. CPS firms, accounting practices, and professional tax preparers need specialized tools to handle accounting for multiple companies. There are certain features you should prioritize when shopping for an accounting firm software. Don’t overlook the importance of reporting support, data security, data import/export functions, automatic saving, […]

Rethink Your Cloud Payroll Software this Year

Cloud payroll software is a trend in business accounting tools. But if your company is switching providers, you’ll want to consider how Internet-based payroll could affect your business. While cloud payroll can work for some, it can be detrimental to others. The high cost, subscription model, and lack of data ownership can cause trouble for […]

Top Payroll Systems of 2023: Advanced Micro Solutions

The top payroll systems for 2023 include a combination of SaaS cloud-based options and more budget-friendly disc-based tools. While there are many differences between these top systems, there are just as many similarities. Understanding what these payroll systems have in common is the key to making a good decision for your business. If you’re researching […]

Cost-Cutting Tips to Find the Cheapest Tax Service for 1099 Support

The cheapest tax service for 1099 support is the one that works with your company’s structure. Often, small businesses seek out free 1099 support in advance of tax season. These programs are unreliable, which can lead to fees and fines from the IRS and/or SSA. Additionally, even with utilizing a free program, businesses will still […]

Find the 1099 Forms and Software Your Business Needs

1099 forms and software are among the most important purchases a new business can make. While many companies will start operating with a payroll software in place, few think to incorporate support for end-of-year tax filing. If left unprepared, 1099 form and software requirements can pile up. For companies filing business taxes for the first […]

How to Find and Buy Independent Contractor Tax Software

Independent contractor tax software is used to track and report payments made to 1099 workers. While most employers will work primarily with employees, contractors are abundant in the business world. Whether hired for short-term project management or long-term building maintenance, independent contractors are a part of every organization. You should have a software to support […]

3 Drawbacks of an Integrated HR Payroll System

If your business uses an integrated HR payroll system, you might be looking for an alternative. Increasingly, popular accounting tools are adding an HR integration element to standard payroll software. This can be a benefit to some companies. But, for most, it is an irritating inconvenience. HR and payroll are discrete functions that require different […]