Key Features in the Best Payroll Platforms

Consider the most critical payroll tools and features as you evaluate the best payroll platforms. It is time to find a reliable payroll system, even if your business has gotten by without one before. The days of running small business payroll by hand are behind us. The right payroll software will reduce the time that you spend on specific payroll management tasks. You may also save your business a substantial amount of money in the long term. Certain programs include add-on modules so that users can generate their own payroll forms through the main software.

Advanced Micro Solutions sets itself apart from other payroll providers. The disc-based software is affordable and easy-to-use. It has six optional add-on modules for its base program. Many payroll platforms have numerous automation capabilities. AMS Payroll takes automation a step further and offers multiple payroll reporting and importing tools. Its platform also supports all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.


What to Look for in the Best Payroll Platforms

Never settle for just any payroll platform. Look for a system that can grow and adapt with your small business. The platforms that can give you that flexibility will often include these following features.

Tax Filing Capabilities – Making mistakes as your business files taxes can lead to short- and long-term consequences. A comprehensive vendor includes accounting and payroll tools. Rely on software so that you can avoid miscalculating federal, state, local, or payroll taxes. Reducing prior oversight for manually creating the forms and sending them to the right agency will hugely benefit your business.

Direct Deposit – Find a system with a reliable direct deposit feature. Filing forms electronically can help your business avoid IRS processing delays on any tax returns and refunds. The best payroll platforms make sure that distribution is also a top priority. Direct deposit benefits all sides by eliminating businesses needing to print checks and employees worrying about check fraud.

Reporting – Small businesses can gain insight into their payroll processes while reporting. See what reporting capabilities exist and if your business can magnetically or electronically file state quarterly returns. Solid reporting tools can also include certified payroll reports.

Compliance Management – Stay aware of local, statewide, and federal tax regulations. Your business can avoid legal action and incurring fees from the IRS as long as it remains compliant. Accounting and payroll software should include tax tables that reflect the current laws.


Improve Small Business Payroll with AMS

Small businesses all have unique, personal metrics for what makes the best payroll platforms. A good system for one business may have too many bells and whistles for another small business that has a tighter budget. AMS Payroll is customizable, which allows it to meet the needs of many businesses. Its user-friendly interface and easy payer and employee setup can assist you in the goal of making your job as a business owner easier. Download our free software demo to see if AMS Payroll aligns with your tasks. You can also call us directly at 1-(800)-536-1099 if you have questions.

Software Solutions from AMS

Our W-2 and 1099 Forms Filer is our only required platform. From there, users pick the services they need. Choose from the tools below to build out your customized accounting software.