State Forms

It is important to see state-specific form coverage before investing in any type of accounting software. The list below is a great resource for accountants, tax professionals, and payroll professionals to better understand which state forms are covered by which AMS product modules. You don’t want to invest in a software only to realize it doesn’t support the form you most consistently use.

While we know understanding form coverage is important, that’s only the beginning of the state resources we provide. We have built information guides for nearly every state payroll form, even those we don’t directly support. Need more information about how Ohio Unemployment Tax Rates work? We have a resource page for that. Not sure what you should look for in a Wyoming Payroll Calculator? We have a page that walks you through what you’ll need to look for. You can find these state resources on our blog or by searching our website. If you can’t find the form you need, feel free to give us a call at 800-536-1099. We can direct you to the resource or walk you through the form support.

We know form support is essential to a functioning software system. We hope that our online resources give you a peek into the type of support you’ll receive with AMS.

State Form AMS Payroll Forms Filer Plus
Alabama UC-CR4 Quarterly Contribution Report Yes Yes
Alabama Supplemental Quarterly Contribution and Wage Report Yes Yes
Alabama A-3 Annual Reconciliation of Alabama Income Tax Withheld No Yes
Alaska 07-1004 Quarterly Contribution Report Yes Yes
Alaska Supplemental Wage listing Yes Yes
Arizona A1-R Annual withholding tax return Yes Yes
Arizona A1-QRT Quarterly W/H Tax Return Yes Yes
Arizona UC-018 Unemployment Tax and Wage Report Yes Yes
Arizona UC-020 UI Wage Tax Listing Continuation Yes Yes
Arizona A1-WP Payment of Arizona Income Tax W/H Yes Yes
Arkansas 209B Quarterly Contibution and Wage Report Yes Yes
Arkansas Supplemental Continuation Sheet Yes Yes
California DE-9 Scannable California DE-9 Scannable Yes Yes
California DE-9 Adjustment Quarterly Contribution and Wage Adjustment Form No Yes
California DE-88 Payroll Tax Deposit Coupon Yes Yes
California DE-34 Report of New Employees Yes Yes
California DE-3HW Household Workers Annual Contribution Yes Yes
California DE-3BHW Quarterly Report for Household Workers Yes Yes
California DE-3D Quarterly Contribution Return No Yes
California DE-542 Report of Independent Contractors Yes Yes
Colorado DR 1106 Annual Transmittal of State 1099 Forms Instructions Yes
Colorado DR 1107 1099 Income Withholding Tax Return No Yes
Colorado UITR-1 UI Insurance Tax Report Yes Yes
Colorado UITR-1(a) UI Report of Workers Wages Yes Yes
Colorado UITR-1(c) Seasonal UI Report of Workers Wages No Yes
Colorado DR-1094 Withholding Tax Return Yes Yes
Colorado DR-1093 Annual Transmital of W-2s No Yes
Connecticut CT-W3 HHE Connecticut Annual Reconciliation of Withholding for Household Employers No Yes
Connecticut CT UC-2MAG Magnetic Payment Voucher No Yes
Connecticut CT-941 HHE Connecticut Reconciliation of Withholding for Household Employers No Yes
Connecticut 941 Quarterly Reconciliation of Withholding Yes Yes
Connecticut UC-2 Contribution Return Yes Yes
Connecticut UC-5A Quarterly Earnings Report Yes Yes
Connecticut UC-5B Quarterly Earnings Report Continuation Yes Yes
Connecticut Reg 1 Application for Tax Registration Number No Yes
Connecticut UC-1A Report for Unemployment Compensation No Yes
Connecticut W-4 Employee’s Withholding Certificate No Yes
Connecticut 1096 Annual Summary/Transmittal of Info Returns No Yes
Connecticut 8109 W/H Tax Payment for Non-Payroll Amounts No Yes
Connecticut CT-W3 Annual Reconciliation of Withholding Yes Yes
Delaware UC-8 Quarterly Tax Report Yes Yes
Delaware UC-8A 1 Wage Listing Yes Yes
Delaware UC-8A 2 Wage Listing Continuation Yes Yes
Delaware WAN Annual Report of W-2s No Yes
District of Columbia FR-900M SUB Employer/Payer Withholding Tax – Monthly Return No Yes
District of Columbia UC-30 Unemployment Compensation Yes Yes
District of Columbia SUI UC226 Amend Contribution and Wage Report No Yes
District of Columbia UC30H Annual Contribution & Wage Report No Yes
Florida UCT-6 Employer’s Quarterly Report Yes Yes
Florida UCT-6A Wage Listing Report Yes Yes
Florida Client Listing No Yes
Florida UCS-3 Employer Account Form No Yes
Florida UCT-8A Correction to Employer’s Quarterly Report No Yes
Georgia DOL-4 Quarterly Tax and Wage Report Yes Yes
Georgia DOL-41 Quarterly Tax and Wage Report, page 2 Yes Yes
Georgia DOL-4B Continuation Sheet Yes Yes
Georgia G-7 1 Quarterly Return for Monthly Filers Yes Yes
Georgia G-7Q1 Quarterly Return for Quarterly Filers Yes Yes
Georgia G-7B1 Schedule B for Semiweekly Filers Yes Yes
Georgia GA-V W/H Payment Voucher Yes Yes
Georgia G-1003 Income Statement Transmittal Form No Yes
Hawaii UC-B6A Quarterly Report of Wages Yes Yes
Hawaii UC-B6 Wage, Employment & Training Assessment Yes Yes
Hawaii HW-14 W/H Tax Return No Yes
Hawaii HW-3 Annual Return of Income Tax W/H No Yes
Idaho 910 Idaho Withholding Payment Voucher No Yes
Idaho 261 Wage Report Yes Yes
Idaho 201 Unemployment Insurance Tax Report Yes Yes
Idaho 967-SM W/H Reconciliation, Split-Month Filer No Yes
Idaho 967 Annual W/H Reconciliation, Annual Filer No Yes
Illinios IL-501 Payment Coupon No Yes
Illinios 941 Quarterly Withholding Income Tax Return Yes Yes
Illinios UI 3/40 Contribution and Wage Report Yes Yes