Accountants need W-2 software solutions just as much as small businesses who manage their taxes and payroll in-house. Use a W-2 program as a tax expert to ensure that your clients’ data entries and reports are up-to-date and accurate. Identify any discrepancies quicker and send a correction to the appropriate agency if needed. Stay organized using W-2 software as you add more clients onto your firm’s or personal roster. Set aside some time to try out a demo or a free trial in order to determine your ideal W-2 software system.
The best W-2 software will provide customizable solutions, like Advanced Micro Solutions. Our base W-2/1099 Forms Filer program caters to accountants and small businesses in a variety of industries. Ask yourself what your clients’ needs are and make sure the software meets or goes beyond their expectations.
Top Advantages of W-2 Software Solutions
Eliminate filling out tax forms by hand for your clients. Picking up paper forms and getting the necessary ink is a redundant expense. Consider some of the other benefits when you utilize comprehensive tax software.
Send clients and agencies the necessary forms quicker. Avoid manually editing a PDF form or submitting forms in the eleventh hour. Certain software offers users a spreadsheet format for easier and more efficient data input. Get forms to the proper parties quicker and combat any of the penalties associated with unexpected or unavoidable mailing delays.
Spend less money on printing and mailing resources. Look for affordable software that can save you money in the long term. Consider getting W-2 software solutions with electronic filing capabilities. Send client forms directly from the program with just a few simple clicks.
Get started on taxes with less of a learning curve. Accountants know the ins and outs of tax rules and regulations. The rules can still change for W-2 taxes. Software should make all of the changes easier and less overwhelming. Do not waste your time dealing with extra unnecessary steps or a difficult-to-use interface.
Reduce your repetitive data and information entries. Make fewer errors when you only need to enter certain information one time. Software automation is a big component of W-2 programs. Search for software with a Common Payee File. Use W-2 software solutions to select a payee across payers or 1099 forms. Avoid repeatedly entering the same information.
How Should Accountants Set Up W-2 Software?
Reduce your workload while staying compliant in a few simple ways. Some of the first steps to take before you introduce W-2 software are:
Finding out exactly what tools a client needs. Support your clients with a software program that does more than simple calculations. Look for W-2 software and consider one with add-on modules. Meet and exceed certain client needs with a full accounting suite of tools. Utilize only a specific set of tools at the same time if other clients just want the basics.
Troubleshooting or asking any software questions to a potential vendor. Seek transparent W-2 software solutions. Make sure that a vendor is available for support as you implement your payer and employee setup features. Use Frequently Asked Questions pages and live support. A strong customer service arm makes a significant difference if you need any help during the next deadline period.
Gathering and entering all of your employees’ essential information. Make your daily tasks easier for yourself and your clients. Request employee personal information, tax filing statuses, and other relevant information sooner rather than later. Stay compliant with software that has a sufficient capacity for storing information.
Creating schedules to meet major employment tax deadlines. Know the important filing due dates even once you get W-2 software. Do not rely on software to help you get last-minute filing done. Human error is always possible when you rush. Build yourself a reputation of reliability so that your clients do not encounter penalties or fines from the Internal Revenue Service.
Get Started with AMS
Find the best W-2 software solutions when you try out a program for yourself. Download our free 1099-etc Demo software that is almost fully functional with a few minor exceptions. Explore how our base program interacts with our six optional add-on modules. The modules are: Forms Filer Plus, AMS Payroll, Software Generated Forms, 1042-S Filer, E-File, and an Affordable Care Act Filer. Create a full accounting suite of tools or a scaled-back system that you add to when your clients need it. We support users in all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.