Do Contractors Get W2 Forms?
If your business used a contractor during the tax season, you may wonder when do contractors get W2 forms versus 1099s. It is not common to file a W2 for a contractor, but there are some unique circumstances when it is appropriate. We will cover those situations so that you know how to handle any […]
How Household Employers Can Create W2 Forms on Your Own
As a household employer, you likely appreciate flexibility to create W2 forms on your own. But you might not know where to start. There are some online options that allow you to create the forms for free. However, those options are not always as reliable as a software tool like AMS. We will explain the […]
Which Tax Forms to Use for Temporary Employees: Contract W2 vs 1099
There is sometimes confusion deciding between a contract W2 vs 1099 form when filing year-end taxes for workers you hire from a temporary work agency. We are here to help clarify the appropriate tax form for these types of employees. We also include a guide to both W2 and 1099 forms to help you understand […]
Classifying Workers as 1099 vs Payroll
Employers must classify each worker as 1099 vs payroll, but what does this classification mean? A discussion of 1099 vs payroll highlights the specific tax filing the employer and worker will complete. This is based on whether the worker is classified as a contractor or a payrolled employee. The distinction between contractors and payrolled employees […]
Best Ways to E File W2 and 1099 Forms
If you are still filing your taxes by hand each year, it is time for a long overdue change. Not only is filing by hand less efficient, it is more expensive. You can e file w2 and 1099 forms by using our E-File software. One of the best parts? You will no longer have to […]
1099 vs W2: Which Do Your Workers Need?
This article will help you answer the question, “1099 vs W2: which do your workers need?” We will explore considerations for employee classification and describe the necessary 1099 and W-2 forms. Employee classification requires a holistic analysis of the person’s role in the company. Ultimately, as an employer, you should assign the title of employee […]
How to Find the Best Accounting and Payroll Software
The best accounting and payroll software helps business owners streamline and centralize financial information. Using accounting and payroll software offers owners plentiful advantages. Efficient organizational platforms will save time and help businesses avoid costly errors. They can help process account information with greater speed than manual bookkeeping. Supportive software generates on-demand reports and statements. Then, […]
A Guide to the Most Used 1099s 2019
There are dozens of 1099s 2019, but some were more common that year than others. 1099 forms are used by the IRS to track payments made outside of employment. However, these forms are known to change from year to year – most recently, the popular 1099-MISC form. If you neglected to file a 1099 form […]
What Will the Most Used 1099 2020 Forms Be?
This filing season will look a bit different from years past, especially when it comes to 1099 2020 forms. As a result of unclear filing deadlines and an influx of Americans working as independent contractors, the 1099 MISC form 2020 may not be the most important of the year. While it will take a few […]
Deciding When to Use A 1099 Instead of W2
There are a few reasons why an employer might give an employee a 1099 instead of W2. But it’s easiest to make this decision when the employer understands the functions of each form. To do so, employers must correctly classify employees and independent contractors. Then, the distinction of providing a 1099 instead of W2 becomes […]