Can I File Multiple W-2 Forms Together?

The short answer is yes, but take a moment before you proceed. Reporting income can present intricacies for many employers. Avoid an audit from the Internal Revenue Service and unhappy employees by understanding what your responsibilities are each tax season. Single employers must only submit one W-2 form per employee. The number of roles that an employee worked in at your company does not influence the number of forms. Yet there may be other exceptions. A shift in company ownership or payroll provision during a calendar year may alter the number of W-2 forms that you need to file. You must start your W-2 filing process and know what the IRS expects from your business. Avoid inconveniencing your employees or hurting your company by not accurately or efficiently submitting all of the required W-2 forms.

Keep track of your W-2 forms filing, and support up to 99,999 employees per payer, by using our W-2/1099 Forms Filer and either of our compatible E-File software options. Download our free demo software today to discover which E-File solution makes the most sense for your business.

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