What are the CPA Payroll Software Essentials?

Managing payroll for multiple clients should be easier once you invest in the right CPA payroll software. Running manual payroll for your clients is a thing of the past. Using automated tools to run payroll makes it easier for accountants to take on more clients and deliver optimal services. Yet not all CPA payroll is the same. You may find that your payroll tools no longer meet your clients or your needs. Certified public accountants need payroll software that can integrate with accounting services while also satisfying the needs of all parties involved.

Advanced Micro Solutions can provide CPAs with easy-to-use, reliable, and affordable tools. We offer all users the opportunity to explore our software before they purchase any programs. Our free software demo tests our products’ capabilities. The demo also gives CPAs an inside look at some of the payroll management essentials.


Important CPA Payroll Software Features

CPAs use many payroll software tools that are unique to their specific needs. Make sure as you look for a new program that you find one with the following capabilities:

Versatility – Your payroll software should support you and your client base at all times. Look for software with a multitude of 1099 tax functions. A menu-driven platform also creates a simpler process for CPAs who need to complete basic filing duties.

Flexible Geo-Area Services – Remote work has reached new levels in the past few years. CPAs can benefit from payroll software like AMS’ that support clients in all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. That flexible CPA payroll software enables accountants to expand their client roster.

Time-Saving – Finding automated features is crucial as you select strong payroll software for accountants. The software should allow users to input and export data from different files and/or applications. Accountants will also want software that reduces the risk of duplicate data entries.

High Capacity – CPAs must have all of the resources necessary to sustain multiple clients. Accessing specific tools for their clients is part of their job. The other part is to ensure that any software can store years of data and other important recordkeeping information.


CPA Software Solutions with AMS

AMS Payroll supports up to 1,999 payers and up to 9,999 employees per payer. The platform is menu-driven and its users benefit from its easy payer and employee set-up capabilities. Getting disc-based software may not seem logical compared to its glossy cloud-based counterparts. AMS’ software is nonetheless as sophisticated and perhaps more capable of customization than many similar systems.

Our 1099-etc modular software has full integration capabilities within its accounting and payroll platforms. Users can add on our Software Generated Forms and E-File modules to save more time with reporting and submitting. Other time saving methods include our Common Payee File. CPAs can select a payee across payers without inputting the same information more than once. We are always available to answer additional CPA payroll software related questions. Call our customer support team at (405) 340-0697.

Software Solutions from AMS

Our W-2 and 1099 Forms Filer is our only required platform. From there, users pick the services they need. Choose from the tools below to build out your customized accounting software.