Every business can benefit when they decide to invest in W-2 software for payroll management. Small businesses can save time and money on resources when they get an easy-to-use and intuitive W-2 program. The best W-2 software is one that offers users a modular suite of tools. Select a software program with add-on modules to focus on multiple areas of your business. Whether you need help with payroll or electronic filing, the completely integrated system will help to expedite your many tasks leading up to and during tax seasons.
Affordable software solutions exist for many small businesses. Advanced Micro Solutions’ base W-2/1099 Forms Filer program is customizable and fully scalable if you expect your business to change or grow. Our six optional add-on modules include AMS Payroll, Forms Filer Plus, E-File, Software Generated Forms, Affordable Care Act Filer, and a 1042-S Filer.
Key Features in W-2 Software for Payroll Management
No one should run payroll by hand anymore. W-2 software catches mistakes before you make them and improves your business’s efficiency throughout the entire year. Maintain compliance for payroll with the Internal Revenue Service when you get W-2 features that include:
Form Generation – Useful W-2 software should grant small businesses the ability to create payroll forms and reports without needing to purchase them from the IRS or another agency. The best software has a minimal learning curve when it comes time to create forms. Look for W-2 software that allows you to enter data onto entry screens that look like an actual form.
Easy Importing and Exporting – Transferring data or information to your W-2 software for payroll management should not create more work for you. Find a program that accepts data importing from a variety of sources. Our W-2/1099 program allows importing from Excel, form print files, and ordinary text files.
A Multitude of Reports – Creating reports is easier if you can access them from within the same system. Look for the most affordable W-2 software that offers Table and Worksheet Reports, as well as Client Letters, Recipient Lists, and Mailing Labels. Plan ahead to ensure that your software is not missing anything that you need or would benefit from using.
Verification Files – Social Security Number verification files are available with certain W-2 software. Verify an employee’s Social Security Number efficiently and accurately with W-2 software for payroll management and through the Social Security Administration.
What are the Benefits of W-2 Payroll Management?
Avoid feeling like your business or team are stretched thin with all of the payroll management responsibilities. Streamline the business’s legal compliance, data security, and recordkeeping. Other major benefits of payroll management with W-2 software are:
Saving money in the short and long term. Not needing to purchase physical forms and tons of reports from the IRS is a big win once you get W-2 software. Even when you print the forms from within the system, you can select batch printing so that you or a team member speeds up the process.
Improving your employees’ overall satisfaction. Employees want to be paid on time and W-2 software for payroll management makes that possible. Our base W-2 system at AMS will create encrypted PDF files. We can email reports to clients or other appropriate parties directly through the software. There is less time spent worrying about compromised files or data.
Getting back more time to focus on other tasks. Small businesses know that even important payroll management is just a small part of what they do on a regular basis. Spending too much time on accounting and payroll tasks may hurt other areas of the company. W-2 software should provide you with tools like a Common Payee File that eliminates repetitive tasks.
Less time spent cross-checking data entries. No one enjoys checking other people’s work on top of the other assignments that you need to get done, especially at the end of the year. Useful W-2 software calculates selected fields and may flag any discrepancies to cut down your overall time spent on the reviewing process.
When Is It Time to Get AMS Software?
Our W-2 software for payroll management supports tax and payroll reporting in all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Print forms on preprinted forms and generate hash totals of SSNs and TINs with the Table Report to check for data entry accuracy. Payer backup and restore is available to save and protect all data. Download a free 1099-etc Demo software to see how our base W-2/1099 program interacts with the six different modules.