How Do You File for an Additional 1099 After the 1096 is Sent In?

Processing extra paperwork if you forget to submit a 1099 should not consume your time. Some employers discover too late that they unintentionally left out a contractor from the filing process. Fill out the necessary 1099 as soon as you make the discovery. The Internal Revenue Service will accept your form as long as you are prompt and transparent. Follow the below steps to meet all of the expected requirements:


Complete your Form 1099. Enter the missing information on a Form 1099. Do not check either of the boxes labeled “Corrected” or “Void” at the top of the form. Submit the form to the IRS and your contracted employee once you complete it.


DO NOT file an amended Form 1096. Resist the temptation to file a corrected Form 1096. File a new 1096 as a cover sheet if you mail additional 1099 forms. Do not send pre-submitted forms. The IRS will add a new 1096 to other past filings. Put “1” in the form box labeled “Total number of forms” for an additional 1099. Include the total money amount that you wish to report only for the additional form.

Accessing forms when you file for an additional 1099 after the 1096 is sent in is straightforward. Visit the IRS website or consider our Software Generated Forms software. Users can print forms from our W-2/1099 Forms Filer onto blank paper. Schedule a free demo or call our support team today at (405) 340-0697 with questions.

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