The Best Payroll Management System for Small Businesses

Small businesses turn to payroll management systems to improve delivery of accurate and timely payment. Without an efficient tool, businesses risk paying employees incorrectly, failing to withhold the correct payroll taxes, and missing crucial tax and wage deadlines. This can result in fines and fees from the IRS, as well as poor employee retention.

Make sure to consider all your options as you select your business’s payroll management method. Payroll software is not one-size-fits-all solution. Finding services that cater directly to your company’s needs can save your business money in the short and long term.



Customizing your own personalized accounting suite is made easier with tools from Advanced Micro Solutions. Unlike other payroll management system options, Advanced Micro Solutions’ modular system lets users select their desired tools without paying for unused features. AMS Payroll ($134), our accounting and payroll software, is among our most popular accounting tools and provides affordable solutions across industries.


How to Find the Best Payroll Management Software

Finding the right payroll management solution requires paying attention to details. Ask yourself and your payroll vendor the following questions to ensure you make a good decision.

Can the software scale with your company? You may only need basic payroll functions now, but what is your company’s projection for the next five years? Finding a system with robust tools and services now can save you money later. Look for programs you won’t have to replace.

Is the vendor experienced with businesses in your industry? You will want to confirm that your vendor can provide the standard payroll management system services for your business’s industry. An experienced provider will have a greater understanding of certain compliance expectations.

Is the software secure? Maintaining confidentiality and integrity can help to ensure employee satisfaction and retention. Look into whether your management system has back-up practices, firewalls, and encryption features. A payroll vendor with powerful data protection tools should be able to demonstrate these details.

Does the system offer seamless integration? You cannot sacrifice software compatibility when you look for a new payroll management program. Building an accounting suite so that your business can process payroll and file taxes is easier if you invest in one base system.


Why Use the AMS Payroll Management System

Whether you want a basic payroll program or a large-scale accounting suite, Advanced Micro Solutions has a broad range of options. Small and large businesses alike can create custom solutions that include adding on platforms like our Forms Filer Plus and Software-Generated Forms. Businesses add these tools onto the required base W-2/1099 Forms Filer.



Additionally, data security won’t be a problem when you use Advanced Micro Solutions’ software. Users can save reports to encrypted PDF files and access the payer backup and restore features as needed.

If you encounter software issues or have a software-related question, call our customer support team at (405) 340-0697. You can also explore our free 1099-etc Demo. The demo can help you make the best module choices for your needs and allow you to see our system’s full capabilities.


Software Solutions from AMS

Our W-2 and 1099 Forms Filer is our only required platform. From there, users pick the services they need. Choose from the tools below to build out your customized accounting software.