Employers and business owners may find themselves at a crossroads when selecting payroll 1099 software. It may also feel complicated if your company primarily hires independent 1099 contractors. Employers need to know which software to use when they pay their 1099 workers. Our payroll software at Advanced Micro Solutions fits many needs for the employers of 1099 workers. You should consider these important features.
“Live” or After-the-Fact Payroll
When you hire contractors, they present many variables. One of the issues that may arise is changing deadlines. A good payroll software for your 1099 workers allows ongoing submissions. Our payroll software serves as an add-on module to our W2/1099 Forms Filer. Users can enter payroll 1099 information with a check throughout the year.
Business owners should seek payroll software that permits transferable data. Users can transfer data through our payroll software. You can send your “Live” or After-the-Fact Payroll data to state and/or federal quarterly unemployment forms.
High Level of Support
You may hire dozens of independent contractors in a month, let alone a year. Business owners ought to invest in software that can support hundreds, or thousands, of freelance contract workers. Our payroll software at Advanced Micro Solutions supports as many as 9,999 workers per payer.
Module Interaction
Employers should find a reliable payroll 1099 software that includes module capabilities. Your company paying the independent contractors is only the first step. Afterwards, you will need to file your own year-end taxes. Our E-Filer software electronically sends any of your year-end 1099 forms to the Internal Revenue Service.
All employers need to keep track of when to pay 1099 workers. Unlike your employees, you will pay your independent contractors based on a previously arranged and individualized set of guidelines. Our payroll software allows users to individually print checks. Users can also print any checks by a date range.
Available Across the Country
You do not want to invest in payroll software and then learn that it only supports certain regions. The best 1099 independent contractor may not live in your state. Therefore, invest in software with a wide reach. Our software supports all 50 states. The payroll software also supports the District of Columbia.
There are also payroll software features that 1099 employers do not need to worry about. You would only need the features when you pay your employees. A significant feature includes tax calculation abilities.
Business owners do not need to look for software that helps calculate worker payroll taxes. These can include federal, state and local taxes. Your company is not responsible for any self-employed independent contractors’ payroll taxes.
All business owners should remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to finding the best payroll software. A payroll 1099 software should meet your company’s needs. Therefore, look for more information than simply the software’s price. Companies with an abundance of 1099 independent contractors should use payroll software designed for that scenario.