Getting W-2 software for bulk filing capabilities is just one of the many software features that can benefit small businesses and accountants. Among the biggest pros of automated software is the improved data accuracy and reduced amount of time spent on repetitive tasks. You may already have W-2 software for your business, but perhaps it does not work for you or your clients in the ways that it can or should work. There is an affordable and customizable software solution for professionals who are on a budget. Whether you handle W-2 management in-house or manage the paperwork for a client, you should avoid a one-size-fits-all program.
Advanced Micro Solutions’ base W-2/1099 Forms Filer program was designed with small to medium-sized businesses or clients in mind. Our core W-2 product provides each user with essential and specialized features without the expensive bells and whistles.
Who Benefits from Using W-2 Software for Bulk Filing?
There are several different scenarios where a specific party benefits from a bulk filing software feature. Bulk filing helps meet the needs of professionals and businesses dealing with multiple IRS tax filings on a regular basis. You may choose to use that type of software if you are a:
Small or Medium-Sized Business – These businesses may at times hire professionals who have different types of worker classifications. Hiring employees and independent contractors, regardless of how many of each, means that you will have a variety of tax documents. A W-2 program with bulk filing simplifies how you handle W-2s, 1099s, and any payroll returns while also staying focused on your core operations.
Tax Professional – W-2 software for bulk filing makes managing all of your clients quicker and potentially more accurate. There is a reduced risk of forgetting to submit a file if you file forms in bulk to save time. Clients will be more satisfied that you are effectively servicing them by getting them their returns faster.
Payroll Provider – Bulk filing streamlines tax form submissions for each of your clients as a payroll provider. You will improve your overall accuracy and spend less time doing repetitive manual filings. Conducting fewer or no manual filings will allow you to direct your focus onto other essential tasks.
Other Important W-2 Software Tools
Investing in W-2 software for bulk filing does more than ensure accuracy for professionals who manage a high volume of information return forms. Other tools that you will benefit from getting with bulk filing software are:
Broad Geo-Location – Think about all of the regions that your software needs to support. Businesses may expand over time or a tax professional may take on new clients who are located in different states. Make sure that your software can grow with your requirements.
A Common Payee File – Look for software that allows you to select a payee across payers or 1099 forms. Eliminate needing to input the same information more than once. Getting W-2 software for bulk filing with a Common Payee File can help to reduce avoidable mistakes.
Easy Form Alignment – Focus on all of your important tasks and responsibilities. An easy form alignment tool helps users avoid needing to spend all of their time fixing the way a form looks.
Verification Files – Even small businesses can have enough workers to make verification a lengthy process. Get W-2 software with a Social Security Number verification file like we offer users through our base program. Verify employee Social Security numbers with the Social Security Administration in a few simple clicks.
Payer Backup and Restore – Avoid losing sensitive or crucial data with a reliable and secure software system. Certain software will save your progress automatically when you access any file or form.
Software Generation – Generate your tax forms instead of ordering too many or not enough from the Internal Revenue Service. Getting a system with certain add-on modules like Software Generated Forms allows individuals to spend less time waiting for documents or overspending.
Download AMS Software Today
There is no better time than the present to look into getting W-2 software for bulk filing. Our W-2 program supports up to 99,999 employees or recipients per payer. Use the Browse Command feature to enter your business or client’s data through a spreadsheet format. Users can import data from multiple sources, including Excel, form print files, and ordinary text files.
Download our free 1099-etc Demo software today and enter real data that will transfer over once you purchase the program. The W-2/1099 Forms Filer comes with six optional add-on modules to create a full-accounting suite of tools. The modules are: AMS Payroll, Software Generated Forms, E-File, Forms Filer Plus, 1042-S Filer, and an Affordable Care Act Filer.