Getting reliable and comprehensive 1099 software for tax professionals saves time for firms and individual accountants. Whether an accounting firm has five clients or 50 clients, each client has unique needs. Investing in scalable and customizable software will keep everyone satisfied and tax compliant throughout the entire year. Eliminate otherwise repetitive tasks and reduce the risk of making avoidable mistakes with tax software. Look for an intuitive and easy-to-use program that allows you to store company data locally for your secure access.
Advanced Micro Solutions’ base W-2/1099 Forms Filer program is an affordable option with a broad geo-location reach. Our software and optional add-on modules support accountants or small businesses in all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
Will 1099 Software for Tax Professionals Benefit My Firm?
Finding the most reliable 1099 software for accountants will make your life easier and improve your firm’s overall reputation. Consider the basic tools that a software program should offer tax professionals to streamline some of its tasks. It is time to get new 1099 software if:
The current system is not secure. Top-of-the-line security and privacy for data should be a given for each of your firm’s clients. Update your 1099 system regularly and confirm that it is fully optimized so that it protects everyone’s data and information. Investing in the top security features will be meaningless if your 1099 program is out-of-date.
The firm is growing and has outsized its existing software. Get 1099 software for tax professionals that will grow with your firm. A scalable system can be more affordable and possibly a better solution if you accept clients at different times throughout the year. Try to envision the future and just how many clients your firm wants to accommodate. Invest in software with a capacity range that makes sense for your firm’s size.
It takes too long to use simple features. Do not create more work for yourself by getting a difficult-to-use 1099 software system. Consider how long it takes for you or your team to do simple tasks now. Find a 1099 program that eliminates a steep learning curve and prioritizes clients’ tax compliance. Accountants in your firm will already have in-depth tax knowledge. Utilize 1099 software for tax professionals to simplify how you manage federal, state, and all local regulations for clients.
The customer support in your existing software is lacking. A 1099 software vendor should never leave accountants or small businesses unanswered questions. Speak with a potential 1099 provider to learn more about what their software’s support will ideally look like for your firm. See if their support includes live experts, tutorials, additional resources, or some combination of all three components.
Best Practices with 1099 Software
Get more features than number crunching in your next tax professional 1099 program. Embrace certain best practices and ensure that they keep you on track during and leading up to a client’s tax season deadlines.
Keep up-to-date with regular reports throughout the year. The best 1099 software for tax professionals offers an extensive array of tax and payroll reports. Perform clients’ monthly and quarterly check-ups efficiently so that the firm is not overwhelmed ahead of any deadlines. A good system will help you to evaluate your clients’ numbers. Avoid missing the major warning signs when you plan their cash flows for the future.
Look for a trustworthy, automated system. Eliminating extra steps in the 1099 reporting and filing process is a good method for minimizing the risk of making errors. Software like AMS will allow accountants or any user to generate hash totals of SSNs and TINs to ensure greater data entry accuracy. Users can encrypt their clients’ data as PDF files and email reports directly from our system to their clients. Batch print the reports and forms of multiple payers to save the firm’s time and resources.
Prioritize good recordkeeping for your client’s documents. Businesses expect that their tax professional will accurately record and organize each business transaction. Recordkeeping is a crucial step that can be made easier by not needing to search through filing cabinets ahead of a client getting audited. Store necessary client forms in 1099 software and reduce the possibility of losing important information.
Get Started with AMS Software
Consider how your firm can pair 1099 software for tax professionals with other useful software tools. Our base program can be built out as a full accounting suite of tools. We offer users six optional add-on modules: AMS Payroll, E-File, Software Generated Forms, 1042-S Filer, Forms Filer Plus, and an Affordable Care Act Filer. Download our free 1099-etc Demo software today and get started.