Is the 2019 Form 1096 Still Important?

The 2019 form 1096 is an interesting document to deal with. In general, form 1096 is used to transmit certain paper forms, including: 1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, and W-2G. In other words, this form accompanies however many physical copies a business owner or accountant is filing. The person responsible for filling it out […]

How to Access Your Social Security 1099 for 2018

The time to receive Social Security 1099 for 2018 has come and gone. That said, there are a few reasons why an individual may need access to this form. In some rare cases, the SSA may not have sent out the form in the first place. This situation would render incorrect tax returns, which should […]

What is the SSA 1099 Form 2019?

SSA 1099 form 2019 is a Benefit Statement. These forms are mailed out by the IRS each year to those who pay taxes on their Social Security benefits. The form shows the total amount of benefits an individual has received from Social Security for the previous year. Seniors and those who rely on Social Security […]

Instructions for Late 1099S 2019 Form Filings

The 1099S 2019 form hasn’t seen a change in many years. This form, which is used for indicating the sale, purchase, or transfer of real estate property, is filed to determine the sale’s effect on capital gains tax, tax deductions, and other adjustments that may be made. The 1099-S can be complicated, which can lead […]

Where to Find a Printable 1099 Form 2019?

Printable 1099 form 2019 are widely available. All 1099 forms are available on the IRS website, and they can be printed out from home. This is true for both 2019 and 2018 1099s, even years later. However, it is important to remember that each 1099 filing needs several copies of the form, and not all […]

How Late Can You File a 1099 Form 2018?

The deadline for 1099 form 2018 has come and gone, but employers can still file this with the IRS. While this form’s due date was January 31, 2019, business owners can technically file these forms at any time. However, the IRS has up to three years to levy penalties against late or incorrect filings. If […]

The 1099 MISC 2019 is the Last Time You’ll Use “Box 7”

The growing number of 1099 contractors has forced the IRS to adjust how payments are reported. Prior to 2020, employers needed to include this non-employment compensation in Box 7 of the 1099 form. This led to some confusion, as different parts of the 1099 – including the 1099 MISC 2019 – had separate deadlines. Now, […]

What Do I Do with My 1099 SSA 2018?

In all cases, the Social Security Administration is the only entity that needs to distribute a 1099 SSA – even a 1099 SSA 2018. Still, even governmental organizations can make mistakes. If you, a client, or a family member did not receive a 1099 SSA in 2018, you should contact the Social Security Administration as […]

My 1099 C Form 2018 is Late. Can I Still File?

In short: Yes, you can still file a 1099 C form 2018 after the deadline. Filers typically have around three years from the original deadline to file the forms they need. Until that time, the IRS can impose fines and fees. If you neglected to file a 1099 C form 2018 and only just realized, […]

Advanced Micro Solutions Supports 1099 K Form 2018

When a company neglects to file a form on time, a few things can happen. Sometimes, the IRS pursues the company and levies a penalty immediately. Other times, this organization doesn’t take notice for several years. Other times still, the company’s software tool no longer supports previous versions of the form. In this case, not […]