Human error is always possible with 1099 reporting, but 1099 form tracking software helps to prevent major occurrences. It is important to remain realistic about what a 1099 program can and cannot do for your business. There are certain ways to significantly reduce the number of mistakes that you make leading up to and during a given tax season. Automated 1099 tools allow users to enter certain tax and employee information only one time instead of multiple times. Cut down the risk of making repeated manual oversights.
Advanced Micro Solutions’ base W2/1099 Forms Filer program benefits small businesses who cannot afford to incur costly fines or penalties. Our system is an affordable solution for a broad range of industries. Download a free 1099-etc Demo software today and pair the base program with any of our six optional add-on modules.
Does My Business Need 1099 Form Tracking Software?
The short answer is, probably. Every business benefits from 1099 software with automated tools. You may ask yourself if now is the best time to introduce a new system. Questions to consider before a new software purchase may include:
Do you plan to expand the business in the near future? Scalable 1099 software is beneficial and worth looking into for businesses that have plans to expand. Get software that is capable of meeting your business’s growing needs. Another expansion consideration relates to the different state and local requirements. Make sure any software gives you access to a region’s liabilities if you operate within it.
Have you missed important 1099 or other tax deadlines? Invest in 1099 form tracking software and minimize the likelihood of missing important tax deadlines. Tax software will reduce the amount of time that you or employees spend checking or cross-checking data. Negligent oversight fees are easier to avoid when you are not rushing to meet a deadline.
Do you intend to hire independent contractors for the first time? Hiring more than one type of worker for the first time may seem overwhelming. A comprehensive 1099 system will allow a small business to generate many types of 1099s, W2s, and related forms. Generating forms in the same program will allow you to store data in one place for easier access during any audits.
Are you looking for more support? The best 1099 form tracking software has critical features like payer backup and restore capabilities, plus customer support. Keep your forms and reports secure whether you send them to someone or they rest in your system. Speak with a software provider about whether you can reach out to a live expert for software questions or support.
Benefits of Using Automated 1099 Tools
Finding the right software to file your information returns will go a long way for your business. A few of the key advantages when using 1099 automated software are:
Security – Software that allows you to transmit your business’s data directly to the Internal Revenue Service is worth exploring further. Make sure that any 1099 form tracking software encrypts its files as PDFs when you need to send them virtually to someone.
Integration – Look for 1099 software that integrates with the regularly used third-party systems. A program like AMS is beneficial, because you can import data from different platforms such as Excel, form print files, and ordinary text files.
Batch Printing – Make the most out of easy form alignment tools when you get software that lets you print forms onto pre-printed forms. Batch printing reports or forms for multiple payers saves businesses both time and effort that can be spent on other important tasks.
Modular Capabilities – Never let 1099 software set limitations for how it can benefit you during the filing process. Ask a provider about add-on capabilities such as Software Generated Forms, E-File tools or, perhaps most importantly, payroll capabilities.
Who Wants AMS Software?
Small businesses across different industries choose our 1099 form tracking software for its wide range of automated features. Input payer information only once with a Common Payee File. The system lets a user select a payee across payers or 1099 forms without repeatedly entering the same information. Apply your data into the system using a spreadsheet format with the Browse Command tool. Our W2/1099 system supports up to 99,999 employees or recipients per payer across all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
Our six optional modules allow small businesses to create a full accounting suite of tools with the purchase of the core W2/1099 product. The modules are: E-File, Forms FIler Plus, AMS Payroll, Software Generated Forms, Affordable Care Act Filer, and a 1042-S Filer.