The top-rated 1099 software does not necessarily come with a high price tag or require tons of bells and whistles. There is affordable 1099 software out there that is designed with small and medium-sized businesses in mind. Focus on finding a 1099 system that offers a free demo in order to determine whether or not it will meet your business’s needs. Whether you need more comprehensive data calculation tools or a more secure system for your business, avoid paying for more features with fewer personal results.
Advanced Micro Solutions’ base W-2/1099 Forms Filer program is customizable for many small business users. We created a full accounting suite of tools through the core system and our six optional add-on modules. Download our free 1099-etc Demo software to get started today.
Who Needs Top-Rated 1099 Software?
There are any number of reasons why now may be the ideal time for your business to invest in highly regarded 1099 software. Among the main reasons are:
You run a small business and need greater support with your data. Advanced tools are the best way to reduce your monthly or annual 1099 workload. Get software that provides a Default Command feature and a Browse Command feature. “Defining” default values and entering your data through a spreadsheet format simplifies and expedites the entire 1099 process.
An accountant or bookkeeper is too expensive to hire. Many small businesses are unable to hire an extra body or pay overtime for an existing worker to handle the books. Find the top-rated 1099 software that is intuitive and easy-to-use so you do not need to hire extra manpower. Your software may even cut your overall expenses if you identify troubling spending trends.
You plan on hiring independent contractors and want software that accommodates more than one employment status. The best 1099 system will support more than one type of worker classification. Make sure that you can access your necessary tax and accounting forms during a given tax season and throughout the year. Keeping the documents in one system is a good way to stay organized and compliant.
Your business is expanding and you need 1099 software that can meet all of your needs. The top-rated 1099 software should be scalable and align with the projected company growth. The last thing that anyone wants to do is get new software only to need a new system far too soon. Save yourself time during your search and money in the long run by mapping out your business’s long-term growth before purchasing a program.
Best 1099 Software Features
It may feel hard to keep track of all the different 1099 software tools. Not all features hold the same value for each user, but there are certain basic essential ones to find. Search for 1099 software with:
Strong Security – There should be no question as to whether your business’s software is safe or secure from potential internal and external threats. Limit who has access to a top-rated 1099 software system with top-of-the-line security features. Regularly update your system to ensure it is fully optimized to protect your sensitive information.
Reliable Customer Support – Speak to your 1099 provider and ask upfront questions about their services. Find out before you purchase a program whether or not you will have access to any live experts when you have technical difficulties. Tax software support should be more than just a Frequently Asked Questions page on a website.
Broad Geo-Location Range – Search for wide-ranging support if you plan to expand your business or already have multiple locations. It is tremendously more cost-effective to use a single system that outlines different states’ liabilities.
Simple Formatting – Stop spending time aligning your different forms or trying to manually complete any reports. The top 1099 program will generate different documents and print the forms onto pre-printed forms.
Try AMS Software Today
Our top-rated 1099 software does not come with extra, unnecessary fees or surprise limitations. It supports W-2, W-3, and many essential 1099 forms. Our software also supports up to 99,999 employees or recipients per payer. Import the data that you need from different sources ranging from Excel to form print files and ordinary text files. Save data automatically through our 1099 software when you access a new record or form to ensure that you never lose edited data. Pair W-2/1099 software with any of our six modules, such as Software Generated Forms, Affordable Care Act Filer, AMS Payroll, E-File, Forms Filer Plus, and a 1042-S Filer.