Streamline a daycare business’s day-to-day operations with payroll software for daycare centers. Think about the type of workers that you employ before you get payroll software. Get payroll software to accommodate W2 employees and independent contractors. Maintain business compliance with software that shows federal, state, and local liabilities. Reduce your overall workload and focus on other areas of the daycare center. Eliminate managing the books by hand with an affordable and customizable system.
Advanced Micro Solutions Payroll Software is the best available option for a small business with a budget. AMS Payroll supports users in all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Run “live” or after-the-fact payroll throughout the year. Download our free 1099-etc Demo software today to explore the fully-integrated system.
Benefits of In-House Payroll Software for Daycare Centers
Reduce the extra administrative work and concerns about compliance with an in-house payroll program. Keep your business running smoothly with the following payroll software advantages:
Saving Time – Spend less of your day processing your business’s payroll taxes by hand. Import and export data using third-party systems with a few simple clicks. Look for a trustworthy payroll program that calculates your payroll amounts against an employee’s W-4 information. Keep the daycare center compliant and prepared for any audits by the Internal Revenue Service.
Improving Payment Flexibility – Keep an eye on how your staff grows as your childcare center expands. Speak with employees about if they have specific preferences or needs with alternative payment methods. Look for payroll software designed for daycare centers that lets users generate paper checks or run direct deposit processing.
Managing Staffing Turnovers – Store the essential paperwork for past and current employees. Stay aware of the IRS recordkeeping guidelines in case anything changes. Paperwork keeps a daycare center compliant. Look for scalable payroll software and eliminate needing more folders or extra filing cabinet space.
Reducing Costly Errors – Look for intuitive payroll software that does not create more work or confusion for you. Software with a minimal learning curve is essential for small businesses that cannot afford to outsource support. Classify your employees correctly and implement accurate tax withholdings with the most reliable payroll software for daycare centers.
How Can Software Simplify Payroll for Daycare Centers?
Get rid of some major headaches when you digitize the payroll management process. Shift to payroll software and help your daycare business with:
Compliance Paperwork – Generate all of the necessary forms and reports with payroll software. Keep steady documentation for each of your employees at your daycare center. Easily gather tax forms like W2s and I-9s after you distribute them to the applicable workers. Make sure all of your paperwork is easily accessible if you need to re-submit anything. Protect paperwork from getting lost or damaged with payroll software.
Time Tracking – Stay on top of all your daycare duties with time-tracking payroll software for daycare centers. Track employee hours accurately and minimize the risk of forgetting to input any data. Streamline clocking in and out by eliminating location-dependent paper timesheets and/or physical punch clocks.
Security – Enhance your daycare center’s data security with the most comprehensive payroll system. Do not take for granted how security relates to employee retention. Reassure each of your employees that their personal information is secure. Limit who may access employee and employer sensitive data.
Electronic Filing – Ask your prospective payroll software vendor if their program has electronic filing capabilities. Export your payroll data to a W2/1099 Forms Filer to produce year-end forms. Search for a full accounting suite of tools. An E-Filer should electronically file year-end forms to the IRS or Social Security Administration.
Get Started with AMS Payroll
Keep the best payroll software for daycare centers at your fingertips. AMS Payroll offers easy payer and employee setup for its users. Run payroll with as many as 1,999 payers supported and up to 9,999 employees supported per payer. Process employee direct deposit information and utilize over 30 different check types. Choose whether to print employee checks individually or by a date range. Stay compliant with the IRS using much less effort. Enable the software to automatically calculate federal, state, and local payroll taxes. Reference the updated state and federal tax tables whenever you need them.
Introduce additional modules to your full accounting suite of tools as you require them. Never pay hidden fees or for extra tools that you do not need. Our five other optional add-on modules, aside from AMS Payroll, are: Software Generated Forms, E-File, 1042-S Filer, Forms Filer Plus, and an Affordable Care Act Filer.