Yes, you can track 1099-MISC, 1099-DIV, 1099-INT and 1099-R payments through AMS Payroll. First, highlight the employee and click Edit>Status Information.
On the employee’s Status Information screen, there is a pull-down list labeled W-2 or 1099 that has the values W-2, 1099 and Both. Set this according to how the employee is paid. Next you will need to setup a User Defined Field (at the AMS Payroll Menu, select Payer>Payer Edit>User Defined Fields). Double-click on a <blank> line and then click Examples on the User DefinedFields Edit screen. Select and Apply”1099 Payments”.
In most cases, the only thing you will need to change is the Field Name (if multiple 1099 Payments) and the 1099 Box Number (the first letter corresponds to the 1099 form type, i.e., M7 means 1099-Misc Box 7, R1 means 1099-R Box 1. See Help for more information on User Defined Fields. Once the User Defined Fields are setup, they will appear when you Add Checks, so just place the amount in the corresponding field.
At year-end, you will select Forms>X. Export 1099 Data to Forms Menu and this amounts will transfer to the appropriate 1099 forms.