Simple Accounting Software for W-2, 1099, and Payroll

Simple accounting software is a highly sought-after commodity. There are countless stories of small businesses. Young, fast-growing companies as well as older, established local businesses have owners and managers that are trying to make do with limited resources. Put another way, savvy businesses of all stripes look to optimize their time and budget.

To this end, many small business owners are looking for simple accounting software that can help them save on the cost of a professional accountant, while their bookkeeping needs are still manageable. Some seek out free bookkeeping software, while others purchase industry-specific solutions for their billing and record keeping. Almost all businesses, however, need form filing software for their w-2 employees, 1099 distributions, and/or payroll processing.

That’s where Advanced Micro Solutions (AMS) comes in. There are a number of great choices for simple accounting software and general bookkeeping, including the ubiquitous QuickBooks and the increasingly popular Wave Accounting. When it comes to integrating this data to your filing forms and payroll processing, however, it’s tough to beat AMS. Our W-2/1099 Forms Filer already offers the core data management capabilities necessary to prepare and print information on pre-printed filing forms. This intuitive, menu-driven solution is also the platform for AMS Payroll. Combined with a catalogue of modular products that offer supplemental filing features, you can build a solution that speaks to your payroll and accounting software needs.

Simple Accounting Software Plus Support

As good as our software is, we also work to give our customers the practical back-end support to identify the forms they need and the basic know-how to prepare, print, and file.

  • Easy Shopping and Demo Software: Savvy businesses confirm software is simple and effective before making a purchase. That’s why we offer a free demo of our software. Download this demo, and you’ll be able to see in no time just what our software is capable of. You can buy our products online at anytime.
  • Upfront Product Information: As part of this demo, take a look at our catalogue of software products to build a more powerful solution. Have payroll processing needs, and state unemployment forms to file? Have large-volume filing that benefits from the efficiency of software-generated forms and e-filing? We have modular products and pricing for these filing needs. We also have a Sales and Information team that can help you pick these products for your business. Give them a call at (800) 536-1099.
  • General Knowledge and Customer Support: For general information questions and help with form instructions, AMS provides a number of basic informational resources. Have specific questions about your filing forms or AMS software products? Send us an email, and we’ll get back to you promptly. Actively working on your filing forms and don’t have time to wait? We also maintain a Live Chat feature during peak filing season.

With this in mind, what are you waiting for? We may not have the software for all your simple accounting needs, but we do have all the features for your w-2 and 1099 forms, as well as your payroll processing. Check out what’s made AMS the choice for form filing support for more than three decades.

Software Solutions from AMS

Our W-2 and 1099 Forms Filer is our only required platform. From there, users pick the services they need. Choose from the tools below to build out your customized accounting software.