Households, household service businesses, and independent payroll firms may each have a need to account for the compensation and tax filing requirements associated with household workers. Don’t let unique tax reporting requirements stand in the way of successful household services. Whether it’s running your residential business efficiently or taking care of your own household tax returns, the AMS household employee payroll software is able to deliver solutions for a variety of clients and payroll services.
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AMS Platform Software
Even the most specialized features and forms for payroll software wouldn’t create an effective system without platform software. The W-2/1099 Forms Filer ensures intuitive access to all of AMS’s module-delivered software features.
- The menu-driven platform is easy-to-use and offers a huge range of software and hardware compatibility.
- Automated data entry and reporting is governed by an easily established Common Payee File.
- The software includes an SSN verification file for the Social Security Administration.
- Manual data entry occurs on an entry screen that resembles the actual forms.
- Encrypted PDF files guarantee secure data reporting.
To get a more comprehensive view of how the W-2/1099 Forms Filer interface works, sign up for a free software demo.
Custom Modules for Household Employee Payroll Software
AMS software products allow our clients to build a software package that’s tailored to their needs. Again, with the power, versatility, and affordability of our software, we can meet the priorities and challenges of individual household employers, payroll processing firms, and plenty of residential businesses including nanny, maid, and house cleaning services.
Take form 1040 Schedule H, for example, one of the most common household employee tax forms. This form is supported by both Forms Filer Plus and AMS Payroll Software . Thus, individual households and small businesses can take care of their supplemental forms filing requirements without the higher costs and extra capabilities that come with our payroll software module. At the same time, for more than just household payroll forms, AMS Payroll Software can be used for paycheck printing and to automatically calculate payroll taxes and household employee benefits. It’s an ideal solution for payroll service operations.
Know, too, that our household employee payroll software supports relevant state tax forms. Several states have special tax filing requirements for household employers. Most notably, California has a few different DE-x reporting forms for household workers. You can find a complete list in our State Supported Forms section.
Or, if you still have questions about the products and features from AMS and how they apply to your business talk to our Sales and Information line at (800) 536-1099. We’re constantly updating our software to keep pace with changes to the tax code and worksheet tables. And if you do run into a question down the road, we’re here to help. You can contact us through email, through our tech support line or, during peak times, our Live Chat system. These adaptive products and responsive services ensure dependable payroll and tax filing for our clients year after year.
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