Where Did We Get 1099 MISC 2018 Fillable, and Where Can We Find 1099-MISC Now?

Not too long ago, there was a time when individuals and businesses who were filing their yearly taxes needed to go to an office supply store. The supply stores were where they could get their tax forms, including the 1099 MISC 2018 fillable form.

Today, the picture is slightly different, but not entirely foreign. There are still office supply chains where you can walk in and get a Form 1099-MISC. It is also possible to request that the Internal Revenue Service send you free physical copies. However, there are certain forms such as the 1099 MISC 2018 fillable that you can download online.



Where Can You Get a Form 1099-MISC?

If it is the eleventh-hour during tax filing season and you need a form quickly, you can still walk into an office supply store and purchase a Form 1099-MISC in bulk. Supply store chains like Staples and Office Depot offered products like the 1099 MISC 2018 fillable form.

Today, if you need tax forms for 2020 filing, the stores sell Copy A of the Form 1099-MISC. The particular copy has the required red ink. Still, if you are in less of a rush and you have planned accordingly, you can request that the Internal Revenue Service send you Copy A forms of 1099 misc 2018 fillable, or any more recent Form 1099-MISC. Ordering by mail may take more than a week, but it is free and is the only alternative to getting Copy A of the form.

Although there is a more digitized option these days, make sure that you follow the Internal Revenue Service’s guidelines. The 2020 Form 1099-MISC is available online. However, the online Copy A form is only informational. That is due to the special red ink, which makes the official print forms scannable, but not the online version. Copy B of Form 1099-MISC can be downloaded online. Any other forms using black ink are also downloadable, and you will not potentially encounter any penalties for printing them.


How Software Can Make Filing Taxes Easier

You may have completed the 1099 MISC 2018 fillable by hand, but reliable software will make the 2020 tax filing season much more efficient. Advanced Micro Solutions offers accounting software, including a W2 and 1099 Software Filer. Perhaps one of the obvious benefits of a software program is that there is less room for error. However, another benefit with Advanced Micro Solutions’ software is that it supports up to 99,999 employees or recipients per payer. It also improves efficiency given that payer information only needs to be entered manually once.



Since we are at a point now where filing taxes is easier than ever, Advanced Micro Solutions e-Filer is also capable of electronically filing any year-end W2 and 1099 forms directly to the Internal Revenue Service or the Social Security Administration. Whether you are back-filing a 1099 MISC 2018 fillable or getting ahead on last year’s taxes, the reliability of disc-based filing software is unmatched.

Software Solutions from AMS

Our W-2 and 1099 Forms Filer is our only required platform. From there, users pick the services they need. Choose from the tools below to build out your customized accounting software.