NATP Conference

1099-etc is your all-inclusive payroll and tax compliance software suite W-2 & 1099 FormsElectronic Filing of Recipient FormsPrint Mail ServiceSecure Online Delivery/Retrieval PayrollQuarterly ComplianceDirect Deposit   Other ModulesSoftware Generated FormsAffordable Care Act1042-S Forms Please leave us your contact information and a representative will get back to you after the conference has ended.

Which Tax Form to Give Your Independent Contractor: 1099 vs W-2

Does it make sense to provide an independent contractor 1099 vs W-2 form? In this article, we at AMS will help you figure out worker tax classifications and when to hire an independent contractor.     Classifying 1099 Independent Contractors and W-2 Employees Determining a worker’s tax classification usually comes down to the nature of […]

AMS Provides a Better North Carolina Payroll Service for Businesses

Advanced Micro Solutions is an excellent answer to most North Carolina accounting service problems. We provide excellent withholding form support and state-of-the-art NCUI 101 assistance to employers around the state. However, AMS is not just a form support software provider. We also provide excellent payroll products—specifically, a streamlined and semi-automated North Caroline payroll service. If […]